Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So, why "The Spinach Man", you ask? Well, my parents adopted me from the Atlanta Humane Society and while there me and my litter mates were given temporary names that were the names of different types of lettuces. There was Romaine, Endive, get the gist. Anyway, I was Spinach and the name kind of stuck so here I am Seymour The Spinach Man!
Back to the Humane Society for a minute--that place was great and my parents really believe in the work they are doing there. If you ever find that you would like a dog or even a cat (woof!) please make them your first stop. They have lots of animals that would really like a good home! Ba-roo-roo-roo!


  1. HI Spinach Man!! I think your name is sooo cute and different. I go the Humane Society at least once or twice a month to look at all of the animals. As soon as I get my own place I am most definitely getting a dog from there. I hope he as a cool name like you!!

  2. Thanks Jmelton and thanks for supporting the Humane Society! :) Ba-roo-roo-roo!

  3. Interesting blog. I too received my puppy from a rescue organization. She;s a Jack Russell named Chloe. I never really liked the name but since she wan an abandoned puppy, I want to let her keep something familiar to her. Kudos to you for shouting out The Atlanta Humane Society, It a great place to find a loving and adorable addition to the family.

  4. Thanks gamar! Rescue dogs rule! Ba-roo-roo-roo!
